Mental health care for all

We build solutions to make effective mental health care accessible to everyone

Helping millions back to good mental health since 2010

recent graduate in a new city

“Thanks to the techniques learned through Daylight, I feel like I’m more in control of my anxiety.”

anxious dog mom

“I feel like myself again.”

sleepless during pregnancy

“I recommend Sleepio to everyone – especially mothers who may be struggling with sleep.”

nurse and new mom

“Sleepio has made a huge difference in helping me get consolidated sleep.”

In addition to stigma, access to care and financial barriers keep millions from accessing the quality care they need.


of US adults with mental health conditions don’t receive treatment.1

10 weeks

Average wait time to see a licensed mental health provider.2


of adults with a mental health condition don’t receive necessary care because they can’t afford it.3

For those who can get care, most are given medication, despite patient preferences and negative side effects


are given medication4, despite 75% preferring a non-drug option.5


of people taking SSRIs experience moderately severe side effects.6

It’s time for accessible mental health care that works

Big Health empowers people and organizations everywhere to take control of their mental health with our comprehensive platform and proven digital programs.

Get better sleep

Improve sleep quality with Sleepio, our digital program for insomnia.

Tackle anxiety

Overcome stress and worries with Daylight, our digital program for anxiety.

Improve mood

Enhance well-being with Spark Direct, our digital program for depression.

Explore our solutions


Health Plans

Benefits Consultants

Ready to help bring millions back to great mental health?

1. Reinbert et al (2021). “The State of Mental Health in America 2022.” Mental Health America, Alexandria VA.
2. Association for Behavioral Healthcare (2022). “Outpatient mental health access and workforce crisis issue brief”
3. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2021). “2021 Mood Disorder Survey”
4. Terlizzi, E. P., & Zablotsky, B. (2020). Mental Health Treatment Among Adults: United States, 2019. NCHS Data Brief, (380), 1-8.
5. McHugh et al. (2013). Patient preference for psychological vs pharmacologic treatment of psychiatric disorders: a meta-analytic review. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 74(6), 0-0.
6. Demyttenaere et al (2005). What happens with adverse events during 6 months of treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors? Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 66(7), 859-863.

During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Sleepio and Daylight are being made available as treatments for insomnia disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), respectively, without a prescription. Sleepio and Daylight have not been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of insomnia disorder and GAD, respectively. Users are directed to not make any changes to their prescribed medication or other type of medical treatment without seeking professional medical advice.

Spark Direct is a digital program that may help individuals live well with major depressive disorder (MDD) and symptoms of depression by providing them with cognitive and behavioral techniques that can improve mood. Spark Direct has not been reviewed or approved by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please read the instructions for use.

DOC-737 Effective 11/2023