Big Health Wins EHIR Impact Award
Big Health Wins EHIR Impact Award

The Employer Health Innovation Roundtable (EHIR) has announced Big Health as the winner of it’s 2018 Impact Award. Given this is the first year that EHIR has recognized an Innovator with the Impact Award it is a particularly great honor to receive it.
The EHIR brings together the country’s largest and most progressive employers whose aim is to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions that improve the health, wellness and productivity of employees and plan members. The EHIR meets twice per year, in three cohorts of approximately twenty employers each. These employers are leaders in their industries and represent the cutting edge of employee health and wellness strategy, including Google, Comcast, The Home Depot, Target, Delta and several other Fortune 500 companies. Health innovators like Big Health are invited to present their solutions to the cohorts each year.
The Impact Award was created to recognize the innovators which help EHIR deliver on its mission. The EHIR team selects the top three innovators with the most impact in the previous year, seeing success in both receiving member interest through the matchmaking process across multiple cohorts as well as success in implementations and impact of those implementations. Employer members then vote to select the top innovator who has driven the most value for member companies in the previous year.
Sleepio, Big Health’s digital sleep improvement program, was first presented to EHIR in 2014. In the 5 years since, Sleepio has been made available to over 12 million people. In Spring 2018, roughly half of the EHIR member companies expressed interest in implementing Sleepio through the matchmaking process, bringing the total number of member companies with active Sleepio implementations to nine. Sleepio was recognized for driving impact on improvements in sleep, mental health, productivity, cost reduction, employee satisfaction, and employer satisfaction.
“It’s a great honor for Big Health to be named as the the inaugural recipient of the EHIR Impact Award,” said Big Health CEO and co-founder Peter Hames. “The members of the EHIR are the most forward-thinking and innovative employers in America, many of whom we are proud to count as our customers. These are the decision-makers shaping the health of millions of employees, so to be chosen by such an elite group as the most impactful innovation across all domains of healthcare means a huge amount.”