An FDA-cleared digital treatment for insomnia patients
SleepioRx is a digital treatment that teaches patients techniques rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the first-line recommended treatment for insomnia.
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In a clinical trial, 76% of SleepioRx patients experienced clinically significant improvements in insomnia
reduction in time to fall asleep.1
less time awake at night.1
better functioning the next day.1
For the past decade, we’ve been putting SleepioRx to the test in gold-standard clinical trials.
22 clinical trials replicating effectiveness in improving insomnia and sleep outcomes
Peer-reviewed publications in JAMA Psychiatry, The Lancet, and SLEEP
Referenced in 4 US and international clinical guidelines, including NICE2
An effective tool for supporting your practice
SleepioRx enhances provider care plans by making CBT-I accessible on-demand. In 5 minutes or less, patients can learn techniques to help them quiet their racing minds, reshape behaviors, and resolve sleep troubles — available to them 24/7.

Immediate access to first-line care
When it’s needed the most, SleepioRx is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practice, or try a new technique. No waitlists required.

Non-drug option that patients prefer
SleepioRx targets the root cause of insomnia to deliver lasting results for the 75% of patients who say they’d prefer a non-drug option.3

Seamless, low-lift implementation
We make it easy for you to unlock access to care for patients through a simple and streamlined implementation process.
Related reading
1. Espie, C. A., Kyle, S. D., Williams, C., Ong, J. C., Douglas, N. J., Hames, P., & Brown, J. S. (2012). A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of online cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia disorder delivered via an automated media-rich web application. Sleep, 35(6), 769-781.
2. Miller, C. B., Carl, J. R., Henry, A. L., Baker, L. (2020). A health economic evaluation of Sleepio at a Fortune 500 company. Retrieved from: https://go.bighealth.com/report/health-economic-evaluation. *This is a total estimate that is based on statistically significant and non-significant reductions in costs across categories; thus the exact figure would require confirmation in further research with a larger sample size.
SleepioRx is a digital therapeutic intended for the treatment of chronic insomnia/insomnia disorder as an adjunct to usual care in patients aged 18 and older. Sleepio is a prescription device delivering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and can be made available on the order of a licensed healthcare provider. Patients should read the indications for use.
DOC-3652 Effective Aug 2024