How one PTSD sufferer built a consistent sleep schedule when it felt impossible
PTSD and past trauma left Kyra Rankin with chronic insomnia. Find out how SleepioRx helped her achieve a consistent sleep schedule and reach her sleep goals.

Q1: When did you begin experiencing sleep issues?
A1 | Kyra: I’ve had sleep issues for quite some time now. I have PTSD from trauma in my past that led to my insomnia. The sleep latency phase in particular has always been a struggle for me – I don’t necessarily have issues staying asleep but falling asleep can be nearly impossible at times.
Q2: Have you previously attempted to access in-person therapy or medication for your sleep problems?
A2 | Kyra: I used to only use apps or online platforms to try and help with my sleep, but due to my past trauma there are just some things I needed extra help with, so I began seeing a therapist and am on medication.
Q3: How was poor sleep impacting your day-to-day life?
A3 | Kyra: My sleep issues were manageable for the most part up until recently when I went through a bad period. I had taken a break from treatments for my sleep issues. During this period, I couldn’t fall asleep until five in the morning at times, or if I took medication to help me sleep, I would sleep through my alarm. Poor sleep was impacting my mood during the day as well. Ultimately, this impacted every part of my life, personally and professionally.
Q4: How was your experience using SleepioRx?
A4 | Kyra: SleepioRx gave me the tools I needed to establish a sleep schedule and maintain good sleep hygiene. Being able to log your sleep patterns and receive feedback based on those patterns was a huge help. Although I’ve completed the program now, I still log my sleep patterns in the app daily to stay on track.
Q5: How are you sleeping now?
A5 | Kyra: My sleep is still a work in progress, but SleepioRx gave me the foundational elements I needed to set me up for success. Developing a consistent schedule, improving my sleep hygiene, and providing me with the tools I need to get back on track when I have bad nights have made all the difference. I feel confident that by staying consistent with applying the lessons I learned from SleepioRx daily while also being consistent with my therapy and medication when needed, I can achieve my sleep goals. By using SleepioRx to improve my sleep, I have more time and energy to focus on the things I am working through in therapy.
Q6: How has SleepioRx shaped your opinion of digital therapeutics?
A6 | Kyra: I honestly had no preconceived ideas of what SleepioRx might be like when I first heard about it. I was willing to give anything a try that had the potential to help me sleep better and had tried digital solutions previously. I have nothing but good things to say about SleepioRx and think the entire program was extremely helpful – people should definitely try it if they struggle with insomnia.
SleepioRx is a digital therapeutic for insomnia that is clinically proven to help you clear your mind, improve your sleep, and have better days. SleepioRx takes your unique needs and builds you a personalized six-week program, with sessions that guide you step by step through evidence-based methods.
SleepioRx has been rigorously studied for safety and efficacy just like any sleep medication a doctor would prescribe. In 12 randomized controlled trials with over 13,000 participants, SleepioRx was shown to help participants fall asleep faster, spend less time awake at night, and have better daytime functioning the next day.
SleepioRx is a digital therapeutic intended for the treatment of chronic insomnia/insomnia disorder as an adjunct to usual care in patients aged 18 and older. Sleepio is a prescription device delivering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and can be made available on the order of a licensed healthcare provider. Patients should read the indications for use.
DOC-1481 Effective 08/2024