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Q&A: After struggling to access in-person therapy to treat her insomnia, Alice improved her sleep using Sleepio

Learn how Sleepio helped Alice resolve her long-time sleep issues when nothing seemed to work after trying various medications for a decade.

Q1: When did you begin experiencing sleep issues?

A1 | Alice: I never had any issues with sleep until about 10 years ago – around the time when I retired. I’ve been experiencing insomnia since. I’m generally a very healthy person and take care of myself, but I was diagnosed with a few health issues in the last decade that caused anxiety and could have triggered the sleep problems.

Q2: Have you previously attempted to access in-person therapy or medication for your sleep problems?

A2 | Alice: My doctor prescribed medication about 10 years ago for sleep, but it got to the point where the medication wasn’t helping and I knew I needed to try something new. My primary care physician was never able to help me with my sleep issues, so I requested a connection to a sleep doctor. When I asked the sleep doctor about CBT-I, they recommended only one person in my area who did not take insurance. In general, it can be very hard to see a doctor in my area of New York – appointments are weeks apart and short in length, so you don’t have time to talk to someone in depth. For that reason, I also saw an integrative provider in New York City who I worked with to find CBT-I programs – but still, accessing them was a challenge. Given my struggles to access CBT-I therapy in-person, when I came across Sleepio I knew I wanted to try it.

Q3: How was your experience using Sleepio?

A3 | Alice: I really appreciated the digital formatting of Sleepio and how it was focused on skill-based learning. I also enjoyed all the details provided in the library as they helped me to let go of some misconceptions I had about sleep. This program is very authentic. It’s science-based about the biology of sleep and there is data to back it up.

Q4: How are you sleeping now?

A4 | Alice: I certainly saw improvement in my sleep. Before using Sleepio I was very restless through the night, and at one point became accustomed to waking up at 3 am every morning. Now, my sleeping is much more consistent and I’m able to sleep more through the night. Every now and then I will have a bad night, but I know I have the tools in place to get back on track and I trust the data within Sleepio. It also helps you move away from the negativity our brains associate with poor sleep to help you feel less anxious and more relaxed about having a bad night every now and then.

Q5: How has Sleepio shaped your opinion of digital therapeutics?

A5 | Alice: I never thought I would have enjoyed a digital program so much, but I think I was able to get accustomed to this type of care delivery due to COVID-19. Sleepio has been wonderful in improving my sleep and reducing my anxiety and I think it is a great program. Mental health is going to be a paramount in the coming years and I don’t think there are enough health care professionals to address what the needs are – so I think doing this digitally is a wonderful way to meet greater needs.

Sleepio is a digital therapeutic for insomnia that is clinically proven to help you clear your mind, improve your sleep, and have better days. Sleepio takes your unique needs and builds you a personalized six-week program, with sessions that guide you step by step through evidence-based methods.

Sleepio has been rigorously studied for safety and efficacy just like any sleep medication a doctor would prescribe. In 12 randomized controlled trials with over 13,000 participants, Sleepio was shown to help participants fall asleep faster, spend less time awake at night, and have better daytime functioning the next day.

Disclaimer: In accordance with FDA’s current Enforcement Policy for Digital Health Devices for Treating Psychiatric Disorders During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency, for patients aged 18 years and older, who are followed by and diagnosed with insomnia disorder by a medical provider, Sleepio can be made available as an adjunct to their usual medical care for insomnia disorder. Sleepio does not replace the care of a medical provider or the patient’s medication. Sleepio has not been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for these indications. Users are directed to not make any changes to their prescribed medication or other type of medical treatment without seeking professional medical advice.

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