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November 1, 2022

Unlock the human potential in your workforce

Learn how proactively screening for anxiety can lead to better employee engagement.

Employees don’t leave their lives at the office door. In fact, with so many working from home, it’s become more difficult to separate work from life. Feelings of anxiety, worry, restlessness, irritability, and fatigue can impact anybody’s ability to focus and engage in their work. For some it may just be a passing phase, but when these feelings linger and become persistent, it can wreak havoc on their health, career, and relationships.

As a society, we’ve become accustomed to suffering in silence –– pushing anxiety symptoms to the back burner or ignoring them altogether. This holds especially true within the workforce. With a culture so driven on productivity and resilience, it’s easy to see why. Unfortunately, this means many employees are left undiagnosed and struggling with a condition called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It’s one of the most common types of anxiety disorders affecting up to 3% of the U.S. population, even though only 43% are receiving treatment.

In an effort to combat this silent suffering, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently recommended that all adults between the ages of 18 and 65 get screened for anxiety — even if they don’t show any symptoms.

Here, you’ll learn about anxiety assessments and one simple way you can offer the recommended screening –– and a seamless treatment option –– for your workforce.

The assessment: GAD-2

One of the most valuable assessments used to determine if someone is experiencing GAD is called the GAD-2. The USPSTF cited this tool in their proposed recommendation due to its accuracy and sensitivity. While anxiety screening tools alone are not sufficient to diagnose anxiety, the screening test can help your employees make a more informed decision about whether they should seek help.

Early intervention is key

While acknowledging anxiety’s prevalence and harm is an important first step toward combating America’s mental health crisis, diagnosis is only part of the equation. There must also be safe, effective treatments that everyone can access, which remains a barrier for many. That’s where a clinical-grade digital therapeutic (DTx) like Daylight® comes in.

Daylight offers both the GAD-2 screening test and a seamless transition into the recommended first-line treatment for GAD, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), with techniques developed by our world-leading cognitive behavioral therapists. By giving your employees a direct path to protect and preserve their mental health, you’re enabling them to thrive –– both at work and at home. The alternative may seem like it costs nothing, but if you take a closer look you’ll find that absenteeism, presenteeism, and healthcare spending for GAD sufferers has a hefty price tag. This is in addition to Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) pressures such as short-term disability or a leave of absence that can result from untreated anxiety.

A simple, effective solution

With access to an effective treatment option like Daylight, your employees will benefit from anxiety assessment, treatment, and ongoing feedback — all in a single program that can be accessed when and where it’s convenient for them, 24/7, reinforcing long-term behavior modification for lasting results.

In order to keep employees engaged, happy, and healthy, it’s critical to offer them treatment options that meet their needs. While we can’t remove the stressors that exist in daily life and the workplace, we can do our part to offer innovative, equitable solutions to help employees get back to good mental health when they need it most.

Save your employees from silent suffering and unlock their full potential. Use our interactive tool to evaluate your current offerings and get real-time feedback on ways to improve, so you can feel confident you’re offering the best possible treatment options for your workforce.

Daylight is available as an adjunct to usual medical care for generalized anxiety disorder for adults ages 18 and older, without FDA review under their COVID-19 policy. While anxiety screening tools alone are not sufficient to diagnose anxiety, the screening test can be an indicator that the individual should discuss their results with their provider.

DOC-2033 Effective 10/2022

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